How To Change FontStyle In WhatsApp Permanently (Status/Story/Chart)

How To Change FontStyle In WhatsApp Permanently (Status/Story/Chart) – Over One Billion People (around one lakh crore) uses WhatsApp daily. Shocked? Indeed a shocking fact it is, and one user out of those 1 lakh crores is you. Needless to say, we humans are not habitual of doing/ seeing/ using one exact same thing daily. That is why over 55 employees of Whatsapp and more than twenty-five thousand employees of Facebook brings daily updates according to needs and latest changes of best possible user experience in front of you.
How To Change FontStyle In WhatsApp Permanently (Status/Story/Chart)
How To Change FontStyle In WhatsApp Permanently (Status/Story/Chart)

How To Change FontStyle In WhatsApp Permanently (Status/Story/Chart)

Even, the operating system of Whatsapp is so flexible that it allows it’s used to change the fonts according to themselves. But how? Here we’ve brought in front of you the complete and in-depth guide step by step on “How To Change FontStyle In WhatsApp Permanently (Status/Story/Chart)?”
STEP 1: Open WhatsApp on your Mobile Phone or Smartphone.
STEP 2: If not logged in, make sure to Login first.
STEP 3: Touch the screen where “Chat” is written. Probably in the upper midsection of the screen, keeping recently released Whatsapp updates in mind.
STEP 4: Now, under the Chat Section, click on the messages of that person to whom you’re willing to send messages to with different and unique font style.
Step 5: If in case you are willing to start a new chat, the option of changing and implementing the awesome fonts will be available in that as well.
Step 6: Now, start typing the message in the space of chat by bringing up your on-screen keyboard.
Step 7: Once you’ve successfully typed the message, now let’s learn how the fonts are changed.
Step 8: Now, in the first phase of learning, you will come to know that existing font can mainly be changed in three major formats and plus one. First three are – Bold, Italic and Bold Italic. And the last one is by adding a strikethrough at the beginning and end of the message.
Step 9: If you’re a computer programmer, it’s great. If not, you might have seen in the movies the font of programming or coding languages which is somewhat.
Step 10: To send your message in this font style, what you can do is to put three apostrophes or this sign “` before and after the message. Apart from this, the list of tricks of complete programming languages will be uploaded on this page of website very soon.
The world knows that Facebook acquired Whatsapp a few years earlier. But at the same time with the condition that WhatsApp will continue to operate in the manner, it was. Whatsapp and Facebook, both companies have become firms with unexpectedly high market value and covers a major portion of trillion dollar social media marketing companies.
Following which, both also remains in the headlines throughout the day with the latest news of Whatsapp such as “Whatsapp introduces stickers at last” and “Facebook-owned Whatsapp finally supports sticker” and “Whatsapp update finally brings stickers to the Messaging app, years after just about every competitor” and “Whatsapp is finally adding stickers” and “Happy Karwa (Karva) Chauth 2018: Facebook & Whatsapp Messages, SMS, Best Wishes, Images etc.”
And, latest news such as “Flow announced unlimited talk plans, WhatsApp messaging for prepaid customers” and “Whatsapp stickers now available, coming to all users over ‘coming weeks’.” Similarly, the company that owns Whatsapp – Facebook, one the day of writing this piece of content remained in the news such as – “Facebook finds more fake accounts from Iran” and “Here is how Instagram Can AID Facebook’s (FB) Q3 Earnings” and “Photo of a starving girl in Yemen prompts Facebook to remove posts of Article” and “Iran’s new facebook trolls are using Russia’s Playbook.”
And, the latest news as such “People’s Vote campaign accused of flouting Facebook’s new advertising rules” and “Facebook deletes Iran-linked pages over effort to sow discord among US voters” and “Facebook removes Iran-linked accounts spreading false info” and “Mailbomb suspect displayed rage – and love for Trump – on social media pages” and “Facebook uncovers Iran disinformation to sow political discord over Trump, race” and “Facebook takes down 82 more pages tied to Iran that were posting politically charged fake news.”
If you’re still having any questions related to How To Change FontStyle In WhatsApp Permanently (Status/Story/Chart), please make sure to comment your query below. And, for more updates related to Whatsapp, you can go through below provided links of media website.

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